
Surface laptop go vs laptop 4
Surface laptop go vs laptop 4

surface laptop go vs laptop 4

The result won't be as rigid as aluminum, but it is lighter. It's a composite resin reinforced with glass fiber and made up of 30% post-consumer recycled content. The Surface Laptop Go has a metal lid, much like the MacBook Air, but the rest of the laptop chassis is actually a polycarbonate material. For that more affordable price you get a more powerful processor, a touch screen, and a laptop that will likely match the MacBook Air in many respects, from comfortable typing and processing power. The Microsoft Surface Laptop Go is the cheapest laptop in the Surface family, and starts at $549.

surface laptop go vs laptop 4 surface laptop go vs laptop 4

Surface Laptop Go vs MacBook Air: Price and valueĪfter all of the details of the product are considered, the biggest difference between the two is price.

Surface laptop go vs laptop 4